ONCE UPON A TIME NOW, once upon a time, a nest of fairies Was in a meadow 'neath a wild rose- tree; And, once upon a time, the violets clustered So thick around it one could scarcely see; And, once upon a time, a troop of children Came dancing by upon the flowery ground; And, once upon a time, the nest of fairies, With shouts of joy and wonderment they found; And, once upon a time, the fairies fluttered On purple winglets, shimmering in the sun; And, once upon a time, the nest forsaking, They flew off thro' the violets, every one; And, once upon a time, the children followed With loud halloos along the meadow green; And, once upon a time, the fairies vanished, And never more could one of them be seen; And, once upon a time, the children sought them For many a day, but fruitless was their quest, For, once upon a time, amid the violets, They only found the fairies' empty nest.
THE SICK FAIRY BREW some tea o' cowslips, make some poppy-gruel, Serve it in a buttercup—ah, 'tis very cruel, That she is so ailing, pretty Violetta! Locust, stop your violin, till she's feeling better.
Featured in our selection of Children's Poems.
If you enjoyed this first poem, you might also enjoy The Christmas Ball and The Brownie's Xmas.Return to the Mary E. Wilkins Freeman library , or . . . Read the next poem; The Brownie's Xmas
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