Mother, the hen is cackling; What is she trying to say? She says, “Cluck! cluck! I humbly beg To tell you all I’ve laid an egg For Little Boy to-day!” Oh! oh! is it so? Truly now, I did not know! But in return what shall I give? “Be kind, be kind, to all that live!”Mother, the cow is lowing; What is she trying to say? “Milk and cream and butter and cheese, Good people, I have brought you these For Little Boy to-day.” Oh! oh! is it so? Truly now, I did not know! But in return what shall I give? “Be kind, be kind, to all that live.” Mother, the sheep is bleating; What is she trying to say? She says “I’ll give my fleecy wool To make warm clothes for play and school For Little Boy to-day.” Oh! oh! is it so? Truly now, I did not know! But in return what shall I give? “Be kind, be kind, to all that live.”
If you liked this poem, you are sure to enjoy the story, A Little Tiny Thing. Explore more Pre-K Wordplay!
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