
by Anonymous

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XVI - Hrothgar Lavishes Gifts Upon His Deliverer

{Heorot is adorned with hands.}

          Then straight was ordered that Heorot inside[1]
          With hands be embellished: a host of them gathered,
          Of men and women, who the wassailing-building
          The guest-hall begeared. Gold-flashing sparkled
        5 Webs on the walls then, of wonders a many
          To each of the heroes that look on such objects.

{The hall is defaced, however.}

          The beautiful building was broken to pieces
          Which all within with irons was fastened,
          Its hinges torn off: only the roof was
       10 Whole and uninjured when the horrible creature
          Outlawed for evil off had betaken him,
          Hopeless of living. 'Tis hard to avoid it

{[A vague passage of five verses.]}

          (Whoever will do it!); but he doubtless must come to[2]
          The place awaiting, as Wyrd hath appointed,
       15 Soul-bearers, earth-dwellers, earls under heaven,
          Where bound on its bed his body shall slumber

{Hrothgar goes to the banquet.}

          When feasting is finished. Full was the time then
          That the son of Healfdene went to the building;
[36]      The excellent atheling would eat of the banquet.
       20 Ne'er heard I that people with hero-band larger
          Bare them better tow'rds their bracelet-bestower.
          The laden-with-glory stooped to the bench then
          (Their kinsmen-companions in plenty were joyful,
          Many a cupful quaffing complaisantly),
       25 Doughty of spirit in the high-tow'ring palace,

{Hrothgar's nephew, Hrothulf, is present.}

          Hrothgar and Hrothulf. Heorot then inside
          Was filled with friendly ones; falsehood and treachery
          The Folk-Scyldings now nowise did practise.

{Hrothgar lavishes gifts upon Beowulf.}

          Then the offspring of Healfdene offered to Beowulf
       30 A golden standard, as reward for the victory,
          A banner embossed, burnie and helmet;
          Many men saw then a song-famous weapon
          Borne 'fore the hero. Beowulf drank of
          The cup in the building; that treasure-bestowing
       35 He needed not blush for in battle-men's presence.

{Four handsomer gifts were never presented.}

          Ne'er heard I that many men on the ale-bench
          In friendlier fashion to their fellows presented
          Four bright jewels with gold-work embellished.
          'Round the roof of the helmet a head-guarder outside
       40 Braided with wires, with bosses was furnished,
          That swords-for-the-battle fight-hardened might fail
          Boldly to harm him, when the hero proceeded

{Hrothgar commands that eight finely caparisoned steeds be brought to

          Forth against foemen. The defender of earls then
          Commanded that eight steeds with bridles
       45 Gold-plated, gleaming, be guided to hallward,
          Inside the building; on one of them stood then
          An art-broidered saddle embellished with jewels;
          'Twas the sovereign's seat, when the son of King Healfdene
          Was pleased to take part in the play of the edges;
       50 The famous one's valor ne'er failed at the front when
          Slain ones were bowing. And to Beowulf granted
          The prince of the Ingwins, power over both,
          O'er war-steeds and weapons; bade him well to enjoy them.
          In so manly a manner the mighty-famed chieftain,
[37]   55 Hoard-ward of heroes, with horses and jewels
          War-storms requited, that none e'er condemneth
          Who willeth to tell truth with full justice.

    [1] Kl. suggests 'hroden' for 'háten,' and renders: _Then quickly was
    Heorot adorned within, with hands bedecked_.--B. suggests 'gefrætwon'
    instead of 'gefrætwod,' and renders: _Then was it commanded to adorn
    Heorot within quickly with hands_.--The former has the advantage of
    affording a parallel to 'gefrætwod': both have the disadvantage of
    altering the text.

    [2] The passage 1005-1009 seems to be hopeless. One difficult point is
    to find a subject for 'gesacan.' Some say 'he'; others supply 'each,'
    _i.e., every soul-bearer ... must gain the inevitable place_. The
    genitives in this case are partitive.--If 'he' be subj., the genitives
    are dependent on 'gearwe' (= prepared).--The 'he' itself is disputed,
    some referring it to Grendel; but B. takes it as involved in the


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