Foods That Will Win the War and How to Cook Them

Foods That Will Win the War and How to Cook Them

Foods That Will Win the War and How to Cook Them is an interesting historic account of how precious food was during the First World War, and what an act of patriotism it was to go without or save food for the benefit of our troops overseas. "What are you giving so that others may live?" "Send more to Europe or they will Starve." The book's recipes were based on guidelines issued by the United States Food Administration to substitute non-wheat grains to consume less wheat, meat, fats, and sugar.

Foods That Will Win the War/Little Americans Published as a guide to housekeepers in 1918 by food expert and publisher of Forecast Magazine, C. Houston Goudiss, and his wife, Alberta M. Goudiss, the Director of The School of Modern Cookery. "Two meatless days a week would mean a saving of 2,200,000 lbs. of meat per annum." It's hard to fathom in this day-and-age in the western world, where global imports make a huge variety of food available year-round for most of us. The book is a fascinating historical link how food was valued during war time.

Featured in our collection of World War I Literature and Foodie Books & Wartime Recipes

Foods That Will Win the War/, Save Wheats

Table of Contents


Save Wheat

The Use of Corn

The Use of Oats

The Use of Rye

The Use of Barley

The Use of Potato

The Use of Mixed Grains

Pancakes and Waffles

More Recipes Coming Soon!

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