Flower Fables
Louisa May Alcott wrote
Flower Fables a collection of fanciful stories, for
Ralph Waldo Emerson's daughter, Ella Emerson. It was Alcott's first published work, released December 9, 1854, earning Alcott $35 from the Boston publisher, George Briggs (equivalent to about $1,035 today). Painting by John Anster Fitzgerald, Fairies in a Nest, 1860.

Table of Contents
Chapter I: Flower Fables
Chapter II: The Frost King
Chapter III: Eva's Visit to Fairy-Land
Chapter IV: The Flower's Lesson
Chapter V: Lily-Bell and Thistle-down
Chapter VI: Little Bud
Chapter VII: Clover-Blossom
Chapter VIII: Little Annie's Dream
Chapter VIV: Ripple, the Water-Spirit
Chapter VV: Fairy Song
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