As You Like It is Shakespeare's pastoral comedy* likely written in 1599, and first performed in 1603. Its most quoted sonnet is from Act II, scene VII:
"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players;"
* Considered "pastoral" since most of the scenes occur in the Forest of Arden.
Act I, Scene I: An Orchard Near Oliver's House
Act I, Scene II: A Lawn Before the Duke's Palace
Act I, Scene III: A Room in the Palace
Act II, Scene I: The Forest of Arden
Act II, Scene II: A Room in the Palace
Act II, Scene III: Before Oliver's House
Act II, Scene IV: The Forest of Arden
Act II, Scene V: Another Part of the Forest
Act II, Scene VI: Another Part of the Forest
Act II, Scene VII: Another part of the Forest
Act III, Scene I: A Room in the Palace
Act III, Scene II: The Forest of Arden
Act III, Scene III: Another Part of the Forest
Act III, Scene IV: Another Part of the Forest. Before a Cottage)
Act III, Scene V: Another Part of the Forest
Act IV, Scene I: The Forest of Arden
Act IV, Scene II: Another Part of the Forest
Act IV, Scene III: Another part of the Forest
Act V, Scene I: The Forest of Arden
Act V, Scene II: Another Part of the Forest
Act V, Scene III: Another Part of the Forest
Act V, Scene IV: Another Part of the Forest
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