Spirits in Bondage

Spirits in Bondage

Spirits in Bondage: A Cycle of Lyrics (1919) was C.S. Lewis' first published book, a rather dark collection of poems using the pseudonym, Clive Hamilton. Its attitudes and tone vary considerably from his many Christian books he would later publish. The book is divided into three parts: The Prison House, Hesitation, and The Escape
Woodcut at right by A. Andreani, Woman representing virtue is captured, 1585

The land where I shall never be
The love that I shall never see

C.S. Lewis, Spirits in Bondage, The Ocean Strand, Walter Crane, Neptune's Horses, 1910 C.S. Lewis, Spirits in Bondage, Hesperus, Anton Raphael Mengs, Hesperus, 1765 C.S.

Table of Contents

Historical Background


Part I - The Prison House - I. Satan Speaks

II. French Nocturne (Monchy-Le-Preux)

III. The Satyr

IV. Victory

V. Irish Nocturne

VI. Spooks

VII. Apology

VIII. Ode for New Year's Day

IX. Night

X. To Sleep

XI. In Prison

XII. De Profundis

XIII. Satan Speaks

XIV. The Witch

XV. Dungeon Grates

XVI. The Philosopher

XVII. The Ocean Strand


XIX. Milton Read Again (In Surrey)

XX. Sonnet

XXI. The Autumn Morning

Part II - Hesitation - XXII. L'Apprenti Sorcier

XXIII. Alexandrines

XXIV. In Praise of Solid People

Part III - The Escape - XXV - Song of the Pilgrims

XXVI - Song

XXVII - The Ass

XXVIII - Ballade Mystique

XXIX - Night

XXX - Oxford

XXXI - Hymn (For Boys' Voices)

XXXII - "Our Daily Bread"

XXXIII - How He Saw Angus the God

XXXIV - The Roads

XXXV - Hesperus

XXXVI - The Star Bath

XXXVII - Tu Ne Quaesieris

XXXVIII - Lullaby

XXXIX - World's Desire

XL - Death in Battle

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