
by Ivan S. Turgenev

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Grigóry [Grísha] Mihálovitch Litvínov.
Tat-yána [Tánya] Petróvna Shestóv.
Kapitolína Márkovna.
Rostisláv Bambáev.
Semyón Yákovlevitch Voroshílov.
Stepán Nikoláevitch Gubar-yóv.
Matróna Semyónovna Suhántchikov.
Tit Bindásov.
Sozónt Ivánitch Potúgin.
Irína Pávlovna Osínin.
Valerián Vladímirovitch Ratmírov.

In transcribing the Russian names into English—

a	has the sound of	a in father.
e	„ „	a in pane.
i	„ „	ee.
u	„ „	oo.
y	is always consonantal except when it is the last letter of the word.	
g	is always hard.


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