Dom Casmurro

by Machado de Assis

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CXXVIII - Handful of Successes

As I was saying, I went upstairs without a sound, pushed the cancella, which was just pressed against it, I gave it with cousin Justina and Jose Dias playing cards in the next room. Capitú got up from the settee and came to me. Her face was now serene and pure. The others stopped the game, and we all talked about the disaster and the widow. Capitú censured Escobar's imprudence, and did not hide the sadness that brought his friend's pain. I asked him why he had not been with Sancha that night.

"There are a lot of people there; I still offered, but I did not. I also told him that it was better to come here, and spend a few days with us here.

"Did not you?"


"But the view of the sea must be painful to you every morning," said Jose Dias, "and I do not know how you can ..."

-But pass; What's not happening? said Cousin Justina.

And as around this idea, we began an exchange of words, Capitú left to go and see if the son slept. As she passed the mirror, she arranged her hair so long that it would seem affectionate, if we did not know she was very friendly to herself. When he turned, his eyes were red; he told us that when he looked at his sleeping son he had thought of Sancha's daughter and the affliction of the widow. And without giving her visits, or even seeing if there was a servant, she hugged me and told me that if I wanted to think about her, I had to think about my life first. Jose Dias found the phrase "beautiful," and asked Capitú why he did not make verses. I tried to get the case over, and that was the end of the night.

The next day I regretted having torn the speech, not that I wanted to print it, but it was the memory of the deceased. I thought about recomposing it, but I only found loose phrases, which once together had no meaning. I also thought about making another, but it was already difficult, and could be caught in false by those who had heard me in the cemetery. As for collecting the little pieces of paper lying in the street, it was late; were already swept away.

I will invent the souvenirs of Escobar, books, a bronze inkwell, an ivory cane, a bird, the Capitú album, two parishes from Paraná and others. He also possessed them with my hand. We live in this way exchanging memories and gifts, sometimes in years, now for no particular reason. All of this filled my eyes ... The day's news came: they reported on Escobar's disaster and death, his studies and business, personal qualities, business sympathy, and also about the goods left behind, the woman's and daughter. This was all Monday. On Tuesday the testament was opened, which appointed me second executor; the first place was for the woman. He left me nothing, but the words he had written to me in a separate letter were sublime in friendship and esteem. Capitú this time cried a lot; but make up quickly.

Testament, inventory, everything went almost as fast as it says here. After a short time, Sancha retired to the house of relatives in Paraná.


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