Roughing It

Roughing It

Roughing It (1872) was one of Twain's celebrated, autobiographical novels, embellishments of his many adventures silver mining, "vagabondizing," including an overview of Mormonism, set in the Far West, particularly in the wilds of Nevada, all the way to the Hawaiian Islands. Many of its stories have been anthologized, such as Lost in the Snow, and his essay, Roughing It.

To Calvin H. Higbie, 
of California, 
An Honest Man, a Genial Comrade, and a Steadfast Friend, 
By the Author,
In Memory of the Curious Time
When We Two

Mark Twain, Roughing It, frontis

Table of Contents


Chapter I - My Brother Appointed Secretary of Nevada

Chapter II - Arrive at St. Joseph

Chapter III - The Thoroughbrace is Broke

Chapter IV - Making Our Bed - Assaults by the Unabridged

Chapter V - New Acquaintances - The Cayotea

Chapter VI - The Division Superintendent

Chapter VII - Overland City - Crossing the Platte

Chapter VIII - The Pony Express - Fifty Miles Without Stopping

Chapter IX - Among the Indians - An Unfair Advantage

Chapter X - History of Slade - A Proposed Fist-fight

Chapter XI - Slade in Montana - "On a Spree"

Chapter XII - A Mormon Emigrant Train - The Heart of the Rocky Mountains

Chapter XIII - Mormons and Gentiles - Exhilarting Drink

Chapter XIV - Mormon Contractors - How Mr. Stree Astonished Them

Chapter XV - A Gentile Den - Polygamy Discussed

Chapter XVI - The Mormon Bible - Proofs of its Divinity

Chapter XVII - Three Sides to all Questions - Everything "A Quarter"

Chapter XVIII - Alkali Desert - Romance of Crossing Dispelled

Chapter XIX - The Digger Indians Compared with the Bushmen of Africa

Chapter XX - The Great American Desert - Forty Miles of Bones

Chapter XXI - Alkali Dust - Desolation and Contemplation

Chapter XXII - The Son of a Nabob - Start for Lake Tahoe

Chapter XXIII - A Happy Life - Lake Tahoe and Its Mood

Chapter XXIV - Resolve to Buy a Horse - Horsemanship in Carson

Chapter XXV - The Mormons in Nevada - How to Persuade a Loan from Them

Chapter XXVI - The Silver Fever - State of the Market

Chapter XXVII - Our Manner of Going - Incidents of the Trip

Chapter XXVIII - Arrive at the Mountains - Building Our Cabin

Chapter XXIX - Out Prospecting - A Silver Mine at Last

Chapter XXX - Disinterested Friends - How "Feet" Were Sold

Chapter XXXI - The Guests at "Honey Lake Smith's"

Chapter XXXII - Desperate Situation - Attempts to Make a Fire

Chapter XXXIII - Return of Consciousness - Ridiculous Developments

Chapter XXXIV - About Carson - General Buncombe

Chapter XXXV - A New Travelling Companion - All Full and No Accommodations

Chapter XXXVI - A Quartz Mill - Amalgamation

Chapter XXXVII - The Whiteman Cement Mine - Story of Its Discovery

Chapter XXXVIII - Mono Lake - Shampooing Made Easy

Chapter XXXIX - Visit to the Islands in Lake Mono

Chapter XL - The "Wide West" Mine - It is "Interviewed" by Higbie

Chapter XLI - A Rheumatic Patient - Day Dreams

Chapter XLII - What to Do Next? - Obstacles I Had Met With

Chapter XLIII - My Friend Boggs - The School Report

Chapter XLIV - Flush Times - Plenty of Stock

Chapter XLV - Flush Times Continue - Sanitary Commission Fund

Chapter XLVI - The Nabobs of Those Days - John Smith as a Traveler

Chapter XLVII - Buck Fanshaw's Death - The Cause Thereof

Chapter XLVIII - The First Twenty-Six Graves in Nevada

Chapter XLIX - Fatal Shooting Affray - Robbery and Desperate Affray

Chapter L - Captain Ned Blakely - Bill Nookes Receives Desired Information

Chapter LI - The Weekly Occidental - A Ready Editor

Chapter LII - Freights to California - Silver Bricks

Chapter LIII - Jim Blaine and His Grandfather's Ram - Filkin's Mistake

Chapter LIV - Chinese in Virginia City - Washing Bills

Chapter LV - Tired of Virginia City - An Old Schoolmate

Chapter LVI - Off for San Francisco - Western and Eastern Landscapes

Chapter LVII - California - Novelty of Seeing a Woman

Chapter LVIII - Life in San Francisco - Worthless Stocks

Chapter LIX - Poor Again - Slinking as a Business

Chapter LX - An Old Friend - An Educated Miner

Chapter LXI - Dick Baker and His Cat - Tom Quartz's Peculiarities

Chapter LXII - Bound for the Sandwich Islands - The Three Captains

Chapter LXIII - Arrival at the Islands - Honolulu

Chapter LXIV - An Excursion - Captain Phillips and His Turn-Out

Chapter LXV - Interesting Mementoes and Relics - An Old Legend of a Frightful Leap

Chapter LXVI - A Saturday Afternoon - Sandwich Island Girls on a Frolic

Chapter LXVII - The Legislature of the Island - What Its President Has Seen

Chapter LXVIII - A Royal Funeral - Order of Procession

Chapter LXIX - "Once more upon the Waters," - A Noisy Passenger

Chapter LXX - A Droll Character - Mrs. Beazely and Her Son

Chapter LXXI - Kealakekau Bay - Death of Captain Cook

Chapter LXXII - Young Kanakas in New England - A Temple Built by Ghosts

Chapter LXXIII - Native Canoes - Surf Bathing

Chapter LXXIV - Visit to the Volcano - The Crater

Chapter LXXV - The North Lake - Fountains of Fire

Chapter LXXVI - A Reminiscence - Another Horse Story

Chapter LXXVII - A Curious Character

Chapter LXXVIII - Return to San Francisco - Ship Amusements

Chapter LXXIX - Highwaymen - A Predicament

Appendix A - Brief Sketch of Mormon History B

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